
Showing posts from March, 2023

Conversation With My Other Self

Reading about Patricia Cornwell’s journey, her childhood, and adolescence encouraged me to do something I like. I always found excuses for laziness despite my deep desire to become a writer. I know I have it in me, I just need to practice. Patricia once said ‘I wasn’t a novelist. I was trying to learn. But writing is like a sport. You have to practice, practice, and practice. One day, you might get lucky and get good at it.’ It reinforced the impulse I occasionally felt to put into paper every idea I had. I have fragmented thoughts and ideas, this is one of the reasons I did not finish any novel/book I had started writing at the time. I am not even sure I can call what I had proceeded to write a book or a novel, at least I hoped it was. Today I am telling myself, what if I tried something different? The story will eventually come to me; all I need to do is translate my thoughts into words. I have the time, the space, and the freedom. I especially have the craving. An urge to replicat